Angry Birds

Angry birds is outrageously addictive. The point of the game is to launch birds (from a slingshot) at pigs within different settings, and stuctures with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. Each bird has it's own different setting or, you could call it a talent. For instance, the first few levels only have the red bird, which actually doesn't do anything. You just sling it back, and aim for the remaining pigs. That's when the blue bird comes in, as the blue bird is in mid flight you tap the screen, and it splits into three different birds, making the pigs more vulnerable to be hit. Next comes the yellow bird, which flies pretty slow untill you tap the screen. It goes about three times as fast as the red bird. Now, the yellowbird is probably my least favorite bird. It doesn't fly high, or fast. And it's talent is that when you tap the screen, it will drop and egg that is a bomb in disguise. Although, the egg isn't very powerful. And last, the best of all the game is the black bird. The black bird is my favorite for 2 two reasons. It flies faster than all the birds (except the yellow) and once it lands, it will blow up. The force can cut through about 4 layers of cement that the pigs could be hiding under. Depending on how many birds you use to wipe out all pigs in a stage, you earn up to three stars. I found myself replaying stages over and over until I figured out the strategy of each structure. Once you get the hang of it, you'll soon be wanting to try out all sorts of ways to take vengeance on those cheeky green hogs. Seriously, the pigs really do laugh at you when your birds miss them.
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