Sunday, December 5, 2010

Top 10!

1. Pride & Prejudice
Why, may you ask? Maybe cause the fact that Matthew Macfadyen is my fake boyfriend. And there is nothing greater in the world, than something of Jane Austens talent.

2. The Go-Getter
Really. How can anyone not like this movie. Zooey, and Jena? Come on.

3. 500 Days of Summer
Another Zooey movie, my pretend girlfriend, if I liked girls of course.

4. You've Got Mail
Not only do Meg and Tom have perfect chemistry, but are also wonderful actors with passion.

5. The Breakfast Club
Speechless. If you've seen know why.

 7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I just love Kate Winslet, and crazy love stories. That is all.

8. The Ghost Writer
Nothing is sexier than Ewan writing a memior of a former ambassador. Srsly.

9. 3:10 To Yuma
I hate, and I mean HATE western movies, but this one brought on the waterworks.

10. Pretty In Pink
I love every single John Hughes movie every created.

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