Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Miei Preferiti (My Favorites)

All up untill next Saturday, I'm going to blog about my favorite things.
I think it will be entertaining.

1. Trevor Mark Babcock
I am extremely sorry I don't have a picture of your beautiful face to show the world. But I love you, and I'll see you again, one day. I'm sure of it.

2. Lilly
I don't know what I would do without her. She is literally the light of my life.

3. Jane Austen
You're writing keeps the love alive in my heart. You are the one and only reason I believe in love.

4. Danielle Lucille Babcock
My little sister, we fight, we bicker. But in the end...we're better friends than we ever were before. And I love you for accepting me.

5. Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter
Who knew having red hair, or glasses and a scar on your head could make you so gosh dang cool?

6. Sylvia Ahlberg
I admire you for all the trials in your life you've had to go through, and staying as strong as you possibly could untill your dying day. I miss you.

7. Alydia; My Undead Warlock
Thank you, for being the best WoW character anyone could ask for. ;) 

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