Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine

I was introduced to this movie yesterday by a friend of mine.
I don't know what it was about this movie that made me love it so much.

This movie follows the Hoover family as they travel from their home in New Mexico to California to let their daughter (Olive Hoover) compete in the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant. But a Griswold family vacation this ain’t. If there ever was a family that was dysfunctional, the Hoover family takes the cake. The characters include Richard (Greg Kinnear), an unmotivated motivational speaker; Sheryl (Toni Collete), the frustrated mother, the suicidal Uncle Frank (Steve Carell); the heroin-addicted Grandad (Alan Arkin); the depressed, mute-by-choice teenager, Dwayne (Paul Dano) and the awkard youngling of the Hoover clan, Olive (Abigail Breslin).